Our Goldfish

Howdy folks!

Hope you all are doing well in this beautiful day! I am back with another beautiful topic freshly backed for you guys! Our today’s topic is about our regular goldfish. I know they are the most common and widely known fish in the industry but also they are really special to me.

They are really special to people like me

who had a shortage of budget like I had in the beginning.

Well as a starter, Like I also kind-of started with goldfish, a lot of you have started with this also I know. But also not everybody has started with it. Some started their journey with Mollies and Platies or other small fishes like neon tetra’s. But our today’s discussion will be covering the wide space of Goldfishes.

So if you are a beginner, I really believe that staying with us will bring you a lot of benefit in your starting phrase!

Goldfish are a type of calm natured fish who are often found in any kind of fish store as a basic fish to purchase. They are not that much of an expensive and easy to collect. It is almost nearly impossible to locate a fish store that doesn’t have any goldfish varieties available! Poople like me had an imaginary concept inside our head where aquarium fish means only goldfish when I was a small kid nearly 10 years back!

But time has changed does the aquarium industry. There are so much options available now. So much to choose from and most importantly almost nearly every fish found can be kept inside aquarium when the optimal condition is created!

But also there are still some old class people who

are still willing to purchase the old-school goldfish to revive their memory. I believe I am not the only one here who is interested in goldfish like I am. There are so many adults like me who are really interested in goldfish and keeping them in a tank is their first priority.

Some people now came up with a new name of goldfish and they call them by the name Orenda! But I love calling by the name goldfish. The name goldfish has an emotion attached to it which can hardly be removed from people like me who owns this fish from a really early age!

Goldfish has a really calm nature

which includes no fighting. I have never seen them fighting or fighting back with other fishes in the aquarium. The regular goldfish has a really long beautiful tale which moves around the water to enhance the beauty of the fish. There are short tailed available also but I always prefer the long tailed one. But keeping long tailed one is a problem if you keep varieties of fish together. Often I have seen other fishes biting in the goldfish tails but never seen goldfish biting other fishes. Their this calm nature makes them special to me. Goldfish are not territorial at all. They can stay with any fish as a good friend but not all fish are good friend’s right?

I don’t know what other people will say but I personally feel that goldfish are really sensitive category fish. Like they can die easily when optimal condition is not provided. But let me explain a simple story of mine. Once I had a goldfish at it’s baby from. I had that fish for 3 years. It had grown really big. Really big means really big. But eventually the fish died. And in other cases, in that same optimal condition, in the same tank, a lot of goldfish I have bought didn’t survived much. I don’t know what was wrong.

Sometimes may be not knowing how to add medicines properly must be a reason. But what my experience says they are not hardy fish at all! But doesn’t means that they require really hard maintenance. That’s where the real fun starts!

Like as a beginner,

their must arise a lot of difficulties such as, how to maintain your tank can be an issue, budget issue and so one.

In this situation as a starter the best option for you will be to buy an goldfish which will not require that much of maintenance!

As a starter you

can start with a 50 gallon tank with 4 goldfish which can be in the size of 4 to 5 inch’s. There is no landscape issue of goldfish. Like they will not gonna spoil your designed landscape. But something I never liked about them will be ha fact that I have seen them taking the substrate gravel inside their mouth and throwing them off. Which often makes the water dirty.  Maybe the search for food in that way or something else! But I don’t know why on earth they does that!

Making the water dirty can be an issue for a lot of you. Like goldfish eats a lot and poops a lot. It is little bit hard to maintain the water quality while keeping goldfish. So you need to  make sure that you have a proper filtration system running inside your tank which can save you from getting your aquarium’s water dirty in a small period of time!

Goldfish has a really big round shaped belly which can hold a lot of food. As known, They loe to eat. Maximum times I have given them regular floating pallets which are their favorite. But goldfish also eats shrimps.

Goldfish are not carnivorous fish but they will eat shrimps. Strange nature of them right!

But at the end you can keep any fish that is not territorial with them as goldfish do not do any harm to other fish but other territorial fish can harm them. So be sure while selecting the tank mates with them.

Okay I believe a lot has been discussed! Will meet you in another blog! Till then stay safe and keep your loving pet’s safe.