Behind the scene of the most expensive caviar!

Howdy everyone!

Hope you all are doing really well!

Like every other day , I am back with another really cool topic!

I know most of you have heard about the trendy topic of caviar! How worldwide caviar is treated and how it is demanded!

Incase you don’t know what is caviar,

caviar are in general fish eggs which are processed and cleaned in order to use as delicious foods!

There are lot’s of category found in between caviar segment.

The most common caviar found is called to be salmon fish’s caviar. Which has a bright orange color to it and is not that much of expensive.  But they taste really well and mostly are used as toping of foods!

What I am about to discus today is bit rare and exotic.

I am not talking about the regular caviar that you are seeing and easily available.  I am going to be talking about the most rare caviar that is found in this planet!

Yes the most expensive and rare caviar!

Caviar of the sturgeon fish!

Sturgeon fish is mainly

a freshwater fish which can occasionally be marine too is an endangered species which is mostly considered as the most endangered species living alive in the wild in this entire planet.

Sturgeons can be typically found rivers of Russia , Ukraine and North America but there is a specific sea in which the sturgeon is found in most precise quality which is best for the caviar!

Caspian Sea

Located in Europe and Asia.

The sea’s name is coming out of the ancient Kapsi people, who once lived in Transcaucasia to the west. This sea holds the habitat of thousands of species and are home to a lot. Sturgeons from the Caspian sea are the most precise for the caviar! But as this fish are now considered as endangered species to the earth, catching sturgeon is illegal and it is prohibited.  So people found a way to produce sturgeon by themselves in the captivity.

But here  comes the challenge! Raising a sturgeon takes up a really long period of time. But still there are 2,329 farms in the world recorded by 2017 raising sturgeons to produce caviar.

It’s illegal to catch them from the sea but it is obviously not illegal to produce them and then collect caviar right?

But I am going to tell you guys about three specific Sturgeon farms that produce specific category of sturgeon.

But at first let me tell you some more facts about sturgeon!

Usually this ancient fish looks like a living dinosaur which can grow up-to 5 to 7 feet in the wild. But in captivity it can be little bit smaller. They can live up-to 100 years or more in the wild.

As they are bottom dweller fish,

they will eat anything out of the bottom such as small fishes, salmons, shrimp and clams which indicates that this fish are carnivorous in general.

Now let’s come down to the main topic!

Do you know among Sturgeons, which one is the most rare and expensive one?

Well the most expensive category is

The Albino Sturgeon

which is typically raised in those specialized farms and the caviar coming out of them are the most expensive ones!


Usually Albino Sturgeon is one of the most rarest species living in the planet usually takes 8 years to get caviar.

Can you imagine waiting for eight years just to get some eggs!

Well incase off sturgeon this is the fact.

To get a fully formed pure caviar from an Albino sturgeon takes up so much time effort and money.

Which makes the caviar really expensive.

Usually caviar coming out of this Albino sturgeon has a coloration of black and the quantity can be in between 5 to 10KG.

Which is eventually washed and cleaned out. Eggs that are not in well condition are then taken out of the sack and with a precise quantity of salt, they are packaged and sold labeling a premium tagline over them.

Obviously they are the most premium quality caviars which when added can increase the price-tag of your food at an extreme level!